Mar 8, 2015

Low Low Low La La La Love Love Love - Last - 2015

"There's an overwhelming sense of guilt in lavishing praise on Last because it's too little too late...a band that could have been our new Sparklehorse if we'd bothered to listen - 8/10." - The 405 

"This is the band at their most unafraid. It’s a record that will resonate as profoundly personal, packed full of inner-declarations about missing out on your chances, messing up your relationships and coming to terms with who you are. Press play and head out on a long walk – this one deserves your undivided attention." - GoldFlakePaint 

"This is a funeral album that feels like a real celebration. 'Last' is an absolute triumph - 9/10. - Crackle Feedback 

"Couldn't sound any more sincere or true to its mission statement if it tried. It's eccentric, frustrating and above all – honest...LLL have withstood the trials that come with being an outsider act. They may not set the radio waves ablaze but they sure as hell will light up your heart." - The Digital Fix 

"Full of heart, 'Last' is a perfect balance of rough lo-fi textures and luscious blends of soft and loud. This powerful duo have something to be proud of with this final treasure of an album." - Independent Music News 

"A lo fi nugget amongst the ruff its gloriously ragged melodies and fuzz laden landscapes which bring to mind the likes of Daniel Johnston, Sparklehorse and Grandaddy are a delight to behold." - God Is In The TV 

"A swansong to end all swansongs" - The Album Wall 

"It sounds like a classic single from another era, like what I imagine watching Top of the Pops was like in the early ’70s, on a tiny tube TV, while trying to explain what was happening onscreen to Grandma." - Don't Need No Melody 

"Rather than mourn the loss of a friend we never quite got to know as well as we should have, we should celebrate that we were able to meet them in the first place." - Dani Charlton (Amazing Radio - 'Record of the Week') 

""A truly spectacular record." - Impropaganda 

"Last presents significant, curious charms; it's the kind of record that surprises with noisy unpredictability, quiet intimacy and unflinching sincerity." - Clicky Clicky Music Blog

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