Dec 7, 2014

Jason Lytle - House Show - 2014

Very few artist can pull off this kind of recording with such grace; Jason being one of those artist, this style of live recording in a house fits so perfectly the lo-fi indie feel he puts to most of his songs. These are a few songs that have been stripped down and a perfect intimacy created. 

In the meantime I would like to make available a new recording of a house show I did on the 17th of May 2014. I’ve wanted to do a living room show for a while. This one was a welcome party of sorts as my first show in a new home town. 
My friend Stephan Bayley who hosted the show also recorded and engineered it and it turned well…so “what the hell”. The use of his Yamaha grand piano, some samples/loops and my acoustic guitar made it (actually) fun for me! 
I debated as to whether or not to edit out the in-between song chatter…till eventually I decided to leave it all in…. I think you get a better sense of the pleasant atmosphere in the room (and my wine buzz) by keeping it raw and unedited. Enjoy. 

bring on 2015 
take air! 

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