Nov 29, 2015

Lunch Ladies - Demos - 2015

If I could buy stock in a band, New Jersey-based beach poppers Lunch Ladies would be up there on my list. Though they don’t have any recordings outside of lo-fi demos, the foursome (half still in high school) are all in other bands that have each released solid music. Guitarist Matt Whitley is from Loser Year, Vocalist and bassist Cynthia Rittenbach is from Glycerine Queens, drummer and vocalist Brian DeSeno is apart of The Uncommonly Good, and Matt Ramiz who plays guitar and sings fronts the band Tommy and the Kooks. Stream their demo below.

I’m really looking forward to this band’s first release as I already hear a ton of potential in their demos. They have a knack for capturing a lot of nostalgia in their slacked out tunes, especially considering how young they are. nosmoking

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