Jun 23, 2020


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Now that shoegaze kingpins Ride are in touring limbo, frontman Mark Gardener has been busy with recording, production, mixing and mastering work at his OX4 Sound Studio. He has also released a new single, called 'Chained', for which he collaborated with 2Square, a.k.a. Stephan Haeri of France's Telepopmusik.

This song comes from a deep space, as Gardener eluciates on a past attempt to face, beat and get away from some personal demons and unhealthy situations and temptations. The accompanying video, commissioned by Gardener, was produced and directed by Dariy Karyakin over the past month.

1 comment:

  1. https://shamelesspromotion.haulix.com/Media/Link?h=2YXANKADTWTwDUUDCUTcpQ==


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