Jan 8, 2013

M:alt Whiskey πŸ₯ƒ • 2012

Alright guys here we go, after a long prep time, the comp is finally here. And boy is it good. I am very impressed as a whole, everyone seems to be developing and improving as artists, everyone put very solid contributions forward on this comp and it’s very good as a result.

1. I Miss You by Bojangles [ThomYorkeIsDead]
2. Sixty Four by TTK [The Telepathic Kid]
3. Full Moon Centipede High by ASMR PUNK [Venom Dream & sadsic/pikapalooza]
4. Audrey (Demo) by Moral Reef [me]
5. AAR by Jim Redgrave [Purple Mouse]
6. Rose by Agent A & Omae [meat_monster]
7. Never Laugh Harder by Z Plan [wobbuffet10]
8. Deep Blue by 105 [me & sadsic/pikapalooza]
9. Sparkles by Donny Threw A Rager [1m1n/Aman]
10. The Immoral Proposition (Words by Robert Creely) by jam pickle [flamingbeast]
11. Hold My Own (feat. Moral Reef) by New Foe [justcallmeSaucy feat. me]
12. Forward Stream by Seismograph [Asheron61]
13. One Does Not Simply Sip The Espresso by Valets [brn8976]
14. Is Is What It Is, Isn’t It? by Gender Bombs [GenderBombs]

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