Feb 16, 2020

Papur Wal • Meddwl am Hi • 2020

“Meddwl am Hi” is simply overflowing with power pop, distorted charm, tight yet lose, throwaway yet heartfelt. Papur Wal with tongue in cheek glee describe the song as their ‘attempt at writing a hit single’. With touches of Gorky's Zygotic Mynci subversive pop, 80/90s American alternative fuzz slacker kings Pavement and Dinosaur Jr and a sugared cherry of 70s west coast sunshine placed on top ‘Meddwl am Hi’ is irresistible. Lick your lips, this is a song to be savoured.....a taste of what other musical delights Papur Wal have in store for us this year...a year that will be known as theirs.

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