Mar 3, 2024

YOU SAID STRANGE • My Own God • 2024

In the tradition of classic indie rock, the band breaks new ground with their latest release, a simple yet highly melodic single that explores the idea of trust, tackling the complex themes of betrayal and disillusionment, demystifying the heroes in whom we have placed our trust but who have ultimately disappointed us. Let's be our own God!

"Occasionally, we come across a band that feels like we’ve known them forever. Their music seems to have a deja vu effect, mirroring our past follies, fun-seeking behaviors, and bittersweet relationships. You Said Strange, a Giverny, France-based quartet is just that, a band new in statute but at home in the back pocket of all your recent ebbs and happy errors, an indie band that, well is properly, that."
Ones To Watch

"If you want a new band to fall in love with, this is it. You Said Strange’s latest LP, Thousand Shadows Vol. 2, is brilliant and versatile."
SPILL Magazine

"A fresh spoonful of indie pop glory"

"Led by intense yet melodic pop-tinged instrumentation, the track strikes an intricate balance between the tenderness and danger of handing over the reins of our lives to someone else."

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