Dec 28, 2019

Best of 2019 • H-burns • Midlife

Following Night Moves and Kids We Own The Summer and its harmonious keyboards, H-Burns goes back to the quintessence of his music style: an impeccable songwriting praised internationally and an interpretation undeniably precise. To narrate in one album the only two stories worth being narrated – the one about a man living his home, and the one about a man coming back to his home – H-Burns (aka Renaud Brustlein) first matured his project isolated in a home-studio owned by French underground collective La Souterraine before bringing it to the studio with a team of musicians and engineers that he meticulously picked as usual : Earl Harvin from Tindersticks on the drums, Kate Stables from This Is The Kit as a vocal guest, Noah Georgeson (The Strokes, Andy Shauf, etc.) for the mixing, etc. Understandably title Midlife this new album recorded on analog tapes tells the story of a man who looks back over the journey of his life, remembering his dreams of glory, the lost love stories, what he left behind from the others and from himself. RT

Cette fois-ci, H-Burns a décidé d’explorer le thème de la crise de la quarantaine et ce qui signifie qu’il revient plus cru et plus brut qu’auparavant. Et pour ce faire, il n’a pas fait appel à Rob Schnapf pour la production mais a recours à l’autoproduction (sans pour autant négliger l’aide de Stuart Staples de Tindersticks). On sent tout de suite la différence lorsque l’on écoute des titres soutenus comme « Tigress » et « Actress » aux influences indie folk US bien prononcées ou bien même des moments plus rythmés et enlevés comme « Crazy Ones » tant les arrangements sobres sont soignés aux petits oignons avec sa basse rythmique épurée. los

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