Apr 7, 2013

Three Lakes

Really nice indie pop from Italy, subtle melodies surrounding deadpan vocals... Those Italians love to share, pick it up for free @ BandCamp

Uncle T is a special person who usually introduces people to good music during their childhood. This record is for him and for all the good uncles that keep educating nephews to music listening. I hope to be an Uncle T too one day... 


  1. Hi there!

    I am very very interested in submitting my band Sally for a mention or review on this blog? I really like your blog and I think my band (indie pop) would be a perfect fit.

    We have a bandcamp page where we are currently giving our debut EP away for free: http://sallyband.bandcamp.com/

    The bandcamp page also has all the relevant links, etc. I apologize for doing this in a comment but I looked and looked and couldn't figure out how to contact you privately!

    Thanks so much for any consideration,

    Jordan (jordancooperlalala@gmail.com)


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