Apr 10, 2013

Summer - Winter - 2013

National Public Radio (NPR): Terry O’Hara has a voice that has some of the faltering facets of Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne, while at times channeling the intimacy of the late Mark Linkous (Sparklehorse)...Alone is Yes floats through ten lovely folk songs that sound like they were recorded in a spaceship. 

The Globe: The album has a soothing, spacey sound, similar to a sedated Radiohead. Constant echoes and disjointed melodies laden with loaded pauses lull the listener into a calm, yet melancholy, stupor. 


  1. Who are these guys and how are they not known? Do you know about them and do they tour? It goes to show npr is able to find great bands Ive never heard of. Love it, thanks!

    1. know very little, but love it too... found them on Bandcamp...


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