Mar 12, 2013

Playlists #2 - 2013

Checkout the playlists over at Dying for Bad Music...

  1. Mark Alexander Mcintyre ~ Nothing Ever Happens Again (Unless We Make It) – (from Situs Totalis Inversus, 2010)url
  2. Smith Casey ~ East Texas Drag – (from The Library of Congress Recordings (1939))url
  3. Daniel Bachman ~ Lost Girl – (from 12/22/12 - 12/28/12 (Tour CDr January 2013))
  4. The Black Twig Pickers ~ I Can't Stay Here By Myself – (from Rough Carpenters, 2013)
  5. Richard Dawson ~ The Bamburgh Beast – (from Magic Bridge, 2012) url
  6. Kallabris ~ So What? – (from A Smile For Brandon, 1990)
  7. gillicuddy ~ Pony – (from ...Plays Guitar, 2012) url
  8. Liam the Younger ~ This Land pt. 1 – (from After the Graveyard, 2007)
  9. Andy Boay ~ Misery Mountain – (from Taste Of Savage : His Pupils Play His Music, 2013)
  10. Micah Blue Smaldone ~ Caroline – (2012)
  11. The Miami ~ Kneebone – (from "Ring Shouts", 2012) url
  12. Lichens ~ Skógi – (from Lítió Fólk, 2012)
  13. Nathan Bowles ~ Charlie's Pontoon – (from A Bottle, A Buckeye, 2012)
  14. Blind Slime ~ Dark Vibrations (In The Sky) – (from Dark Vibrations (In the Sky), 2012) url
  15. Nathan Payne ~ San Francisco Here I Come – (from Slow-Burning Fun, 2009) url
  16. Six Organs of Admittance ~ Hold But Let Go – (from Asleep on the Floodplain, 2011)
  17. Vince Stephen ~ The Order of The Crow – (from Where No Birds Sing, 2012) url
  18. Early UpChurch and the Friendly Quartet ~ Mansions in Heaven – (from Hymns of the Hills)
  19. Joseph Falcon ~ Acadian One-Step – (from Anthology Of American Folk Music, 1952)
  20. Big Lake Trawler ~ Minor Rag – (2002) url
  21. Joseba B. Lenoir ~ Friscora bidean – (from Instroak Vol.2, 2013) url
  22. Coon Creek Girls ~ Pretty Polly – (from The Best of Bluegrass - 80 Years of American Music, 2004)
  23. Matt LeGroulx ~ So Glad – (from Solo Guitar, 2012) url
  24. Least Carpet ~ Wreathed in Mist – (from II, 2012) url
  25. Robin Crutchfield ~ We Find Our Way In – (from The Hidden Folk, 2009)
  26. Sashash Ulz ~ Из тумана (Out Of The Fog) – (from Out Of The Fog, 2012) url
  27. Moongazing Hare ~ King Neutral's Rant – (from The Sunderland Valves, 2013)url
  28. Jason The Swamp ~ Her Face – (from Remember, Resemble EP, 2012) url
  29. Victor Florence ~ Trust – (from Red Wasp, 2012) url
  30. Peter Wilde ~ American Gothic – (from The Horse I Rode in On, 2008)
  31. Roselit Bone ~ Too Long in the Sun – (from Not Very Blue At All, 2013) url
  32. Harris Newman ~ The Pyramids – (from Non-Sequiturs, 2003)
  33. Rag Lore ~ Abstraction al-Ruh – (from Sabah el Mitragyna Reveries, 2013) url
  34. E. Dresch ~ The Tree Song – (from Home Recordings, 2012) url
  35. Golden Brown ~ Cycles – (from High Tide At Gold Beach, 2012) url
  36. Don Bikoff ~ Kindler's Metamorphosis – (from Celestial Explosion, 2013) url
Awesome mix!!!

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