Jan 15, 2013

Timid, the Brave - 2012

Genre: lo-fi, folk soul

The first song opens things up instrumentally with simple light acoustic picking, some reeds, and the occasional fiddle embellishment. The vocals are what carry the piece along opening up am autobiographical story of writers block ... leaving the listener to wonder if the writing of this very song may have been an exercise in confession and rejuvenation.
Overall songs on the album are very well written... they accompany the vocals quite well setting a subtle mood. ex

Despite its decidedly quaint proclivities, one needs only look at the success and critical acclaim of Ray LaMontagne or Iron & Wine to answer the question of whether traditional folk music is still relevant today. It's been said many times before, but there really is something universal communicable through good folk music, and when it's good enough to find its way into your heart and mess around with your emotions, the feeling is always fresh and special. Hamilton, Ontario's Tim Selles, recording solo as Timid, the Brave, has managed to pen a self-titled album of that type of folk. Released November 16 on Other Songs, Timid, the Brave is a strong, deeply honest album best enjoyed alone with one's thoughts...IYS

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